The Attitude to Blogging

Blogging the work&life.

Learning Markdown

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On the beginning of contacting Octopress, which is a fantastic Blogging tool, I find markdwon is a perfct “text-to-xml”, you can use it to enjoy wonderful text edit.Usually, I make note in the evernote, but it’s waste of some time to compose the type. I think I could solve this problem to use markdown grammer, now start the journey to study.

Bold word: Bold word

italic: I’m the italic ooh

Following is the mark of classify

  • Firstly
  • Secondly

## Secondly

  • the format of writing formula: (the Pythagorean theorem)

$a2 = b2 + c2$

  • this is a highlight words

  • the way to insert a picture


the basic usually grammer is introduced abovely, about the detail, you can look at the documents followling

Markdown grammer manual

Author: weibo @lj_wang Blogwanglijie

9th March, 2014

in Wuhan
